University of Central Florida Receives NASA Grant

pexels-photo-416405With nearly 20 years of management experience, Rob Persiano holds the position of COO of Seneca Resources in Reston, Virginia. Before starting his career, Rob Persiano earned a BS in business administration from the University of Central Florida, which has received funding from NASA from its Space Technology Research Grants Early-Stage Innovations program.

The University of Central Florida stands out as one of 14 universities to receive a grant from NASA’s Early-Stage Innovations program to study groundbreaking space technology. Subith Vasu, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is using the $550,000 award to lead a team in the research of storable chemical heat sources that can provide electrical energy and heat in extreme conditions.

The development of a solid-chemical source of heat would allow NASA to put thermal generation centers in extremely hot places, carry out deep space exploration, and advance research in icy worlds. The research team studying solid-chemical heat sources also includes Richard Blair of the Florida Space Institute, research associate Anthony C. Terracciano, and two graduate students.

How Profit and Revenue Differ

Strength Training – Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight Exercises

As the chief operating officer of Seneca Resources in Reston, Virginia, Rob Persiano’s responsibilities include providing day-to-day leadership to further develop company strategies for meeting revenue targets. Outside of the office, Rob Persiano enjoys strength training.

While strength training is usually associated with the gym, you do not need an expensive membership to get started. Strength training at home using only your body weight for resistance will help you get into the habit of working out while also preparing you to hit the gym and start using weights and equipment.

The beauty of bodyweight exercises is that you don’t need equipment to get started. Exercises like pushups, crunches, squats, and lunges provide a good starting point for strengthening your muscles and getting your body used to the shock of strenuous exercise.

If you do not mind spending a bit of money on light equipment, a pull-up bar, resistance bands, kettlebells, and similar small items can also go a long way and expand your workout beyond basic bodyweight exercises.

Eventually, you will reach a point where these simple bodyweight exercises are no longer enough to provide the gains you are looking for. At that point, it is time to either join a gym or invest in heavier and more expensive equipment.